Welcome to the ValidOcean Documentation
ValidOcean is a python library dedicated to leveraging the cloud to accelerate ocean model validation
The library aims to facilitate the reproducible validation of ocean general circulation models using observations and ocean (re)analyses stored in Analysis-Ready & Cloud Optimised (ARCO) datasets.
ValidOcean utilises xarray to handle N-D labeled arrays, zarr for the reading & writing of ARCO datasets and xesmf to perform regridding.
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Quick Start 
ValidOcean is currently in the pre-alpha development phase, so it is recommended to install the library in editable mode as shown below.
To get started, clone and install ValidOcean from GitHub:
Next, pip install the ValidOcean library in editable mode:
Helpful Tip...
- We strongly recommend installing the ValidOcean library and its dependencies in a new virtual environment.
The simplest way to create a new virtual environment is to use venv:
Alternatively, using an existing miniconda or miniforge installation:
An Example Validation Workflow 
Let's consider a typical validation task for an ocean scientist; evaluating the average sea surface temperature field simulated in an ocean model against available observations.
To do this, we would likely start by downloading and pre-processing a satellite-derived sea surface temperature product (here, we'll use NOAA OISSTv2). Next, we would calculate equivalent sea surface temperature climatologies using your ocean model data and ocean observations, before regridding them onto a common grid (either the native grid used by the model or the observations). Finally, we would calculate the difference (or error) between the ocean model and observational climatologies and visualise this with a geographical plot.
With ValidOcean, each of the pre-processing & regridding stages above are performed for us and we can visualise the model - observations sea surface temperature error in two simple stages...
Stage 1:
To perform a validation workflow using ValidOcean, we must first prepare our ocean model data & create a ModelValidator
import xarray as xr
from ValidOcean import ModelValidator
ds = xr.open_dataset("/path/to/ocean/model/sst/data.nc")
mv = ModelValidator(mdl_data=ds)
Stage 2:
Let's use the .plot_sst_error()
method to visualise the ocean model & OISSTv2 sea surface temperature climatologies and their difference. Below we plot the (model - observation) error using 1991-2020 climatologies of sea surface temperature, where the observations are regridded to the native model grid using bilinear interpolation.

We've just performed our first validation workflow using ValidOcean. Subplots (1) & (2) show the climatological (1991-2020) average sea surface temperature for our ocean model and OISSTv2 observations (regridded onto the model grid). Subplot (2) shows the difference / bias between the ocean model and OISSTv2 observations, where positive (negative) values indicate warmer (colder) sea surface temperatues in the ocean model.
To learn more about the validation workflows available in ValidOcean and currently available ocean observations, explore our Tutorial and Observations pages.