This page introduces the framework for accessing ocean observations via the ValidOcean package & includes a catalog of currently available ocean observation datasets.
One of the foundational concepts behind the ValidOcean library was to enable users to access ocean observations data stored in zarr format in the cloud through a method that is independent of their local or remote machine.
A major benefit of storing ocean observations in cloud object storage is that users can then directly access this data via a read-only URL.
In ValidOcean, we've taken this data accessibility one step further by creating DataLoaders which load ocean observations from the JASMIN object store and pre-process them into a standardised xarray Dataset.
Available Ocean Observations 
Section Currently Under Development: Come Back Soon!
This section will include a catalog of DataLoaders currently available in the ValidOcean package to access ocean observations stored in cloud object storage.
When using the ocean observations ARCO datasets available in ValidOcean, users should always acknowledge the original source of the data. Full details of the source, versions and pre-processing steps are available in the xarray .attrs
NOAA High-resolution Blended Analysis of Daily SST (OISSTv2) - sea surface temperature (sst) and sea ice concentration (siconc) dataset.
NOAA National Snow & Ice Data Center Sea Ice Index v3 (NSIDC) - sea ice concentration (siconc), sea ice extent (siext), sea ice area (siarea).
Met Office Hadley Centre global sea ice & sea surface temperature (HadISST1) - sea ice (siconc) and sea surface temperature (sst) data set - Academic Use Only.